Oncothermia: its presence in the world

Oncothermia: its presence in the world

Oncothermia is a natural adjuvant and non-invasive method to treat cancer. It has now been distributed worldwide. It is present in 24 countries.

These are more than 180 facilities, including public hospitals and private clinics. It should be noted that more than 200,000 treatments are performed annually.

In Germany alone, Oncothermia equipment has been installed in 4 public hospitals, in addition to 80 private clinics. Among them the most relevant are:

  • Uni-Zentrum Naturheilkunde, Institute Universitäts Klinikum, Freiburg
  • Klinikum der LMU – München; Klinikum,Region Hannover
  • Krankenhaus Siloah Medizinische Klinik Hannover
  • Medizinische Versorgungszentren Altenburger
  • Institute of MikrotherapieWithen—Bochum

In Barcelona

The Barcelona Oncothermia Unit is equipped with the latest generation EHZ-2000 model, placing it as a local and global benchmark.

If you need more information, you can consult the different Oncothermia facilities by country.