Frequently Asked Questions

Oncothermia is a complementary medical treatment for cancer patients. It uses electro-modulated radiation to destabilize tumor cell membranes, leading them to apoptosis (physiological death). Its impedance-based selectivity allows only malignant cells to be affected, sparing healthy cells.

Oncothermia improves blood supply and oxygenation of the tumor, increasing its sensitivity to oncological treatments. Unlike conventional hyperthermia, it avoids risks such as peripheral vasodilatation and angiogenesis. In addition, it enhances immunogenicity and reduces pain thanks to its anti-inflammatory action, making it a highly safe and effective treatment.

Oncothermia, suitable for various types of primary and metastatic cancers, stands out in the treatment of advanced and difficult to operate solid tumors. Its action is not limited to the area of application, but also exhibits an “abscopal” effect, influencing the reduction of distant tumors. It stimulates the immune system and alters the tissue microenvironment to achieve impressive results.

Oncothermia is not recommended for transplant patients or pregnant women. You should inform the medical team if you have pacemakers, electronic implants, metallic prostheses, silicone implants or open wounds in the area of application. Special care and attention is required in cases of epilepsy, ascites or pleural edema at the application site. Your safety and well-being are our priority.

Yes, Oncothermia, in addition to being effective as a single therapy, is synergistically combined with chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy treatments. This integration enhances the efficacy of conventional treatments, reducing side effects without contraindications or risks. In addition, it increases immunogenicity and effectively relieves the patient’s pain.

Yes, Oncothermia is compatible with treatments such as intravenous Vitamin C, intravenous chelation, or ozone therapy, among others. This combination seeks to improve the patient’s functional status, increase the quality of life and prolong the progression of the disease, without compromising the efficacy of conventional treatments.

The minimum treatment protocol consists of 10 sessions of Oncothermia. After the last session, a period of 45 days is expected to evaluate the evolution of the tumor by means of diagnostic tests such as CT, PET CT or MRI. It is recommended to continue treatment during this period, which generally leads to a basic plan of 20 sessions.

The duration of Oncothermia sessions varies from 45 to 90 minutes, depending on the area to be treated. In cases of organs with higher blood flow or ventilation, such as the liver or lung, the session can be extended to 90 minutes to ensure an effective application of the treatment.

Oncothermia is a completely painless treatment. It is performed by applying an electrode over the specific area while the patient rests on a water bed, which acts as a fixed counter electrode. No prior preparation is required, allowing the patient to attend the sessions alone. Generally, no significant side effects are experienced; occasionally, temporary reddening of the skin or mild fatigue may be observed, which usually subside on their own.

Yes, you can send us your medical reports by e-mail to [email protected]. Our Medical Team will evaluate the suitability of the treatments. However, an informative visit is recommended for a more complete evaluation.

Oncothermia treatment is available in 35 countries with more than 600 centers, performing 450,000 treatments per year in support of cancer patients worldwide. In Spain, it is offered at the Radiology Unit of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital in Santander and in 6 other private clinics. To consult prices and obtain more information on the treatments, please call +34 93 103 82 22.